Call for vote

This week, the Houille Blanche Parent Council elections will be held and we need your support.

ALPE is committed to good communication between parents, students and teaching staff, a pleasant school atmosphere and road safety in front of the school.

At this exceptional school ALPE stands for:

  • Long overdue renovations (schoolyard, chalet, broken windows) will be blocked by the townhall until the space problem in the elementary school is solved. One solution proposed by the townhall is to move an international section completely or partially to another school. ALPE is fighting to keep both international sections (German and English) at Houille Blanche, as desired by the school’s teaching staff.
  • In order to solve the space problem at the école maternelle Houille Blanche, ALPE is campaigning for the opening of an additional class.
  • The classrooms in which language lessons take place (German, English and
    supplementary French lessons) are not taken into account by the accounting
    department of the townhall. Consequently, the whole school is undersupplied in terms of IT, cleaning, school materials, etc. ALPE is committed to ensure that all classrooms are listed in the accounts of the townhall and are equipped correctly.
  • ALPE supports language trips and is committed to ensure that ALL children can travel, regardless of their language level or financial situation.
  • ALPE actively takes part in helping to maintain the school libraries.
  • ALPE supports the teachers, the périscolaire and the school management in their work and, if needed, accompanies parents.
  • ALPE finances the insurance required for the organization of events such as
    Halloween in the school.

For these arguments to be heard and for us to represent a large portion of parents, we need your vote for ALPE!
Please vote for ALPE and talk to other parents about it.

Meeting ALPE, Sep. 17

Come and meet the ALPE team on Thursday September 17th 2020 at 7:15pm.

You’ll find us at the “chalet” in the back of the courtyard of the school La Houille Blanche. (The door will stay open !).

The program includes :
– Presentation of the association ALPE
– Questions/answers from the parents.
– Annual General Assembly of the association

Come and feel free to share your ideas, feelings about the school and for the kids !
Email-us :

Meeting/pick-nick ALPE

Come and meet the ALPE team on Thursday July 2nd 2020 from 5:30pm

You’ll find us in the “parc de la Savane” not far from the school La Houille Blanche.

Bring something to share, or just your pic-nic.
Kids are welcome: they can play together in the parc, while their parents discuss.

Come and feel free to share your ideas, feelings about the school and for the kids !
Email-us :