Please, sign !

As some parents requested, ALPE has prepared a petition to ask that we can pick-up our children at 5:00pm (besides the 5:30pm and the 6:00pm time). This way, they can go to other extra-activities that begin at 5:30pm !

Please take 5 minutes to stop and sign it in front of the school, in the next few days.
You might not be interested but it will help other parents and also might help you next year ! It will also ease the work of the “périscolaire”.

In order to be heard, we need as many signatures as we can !

So if you go and get your pizza on Friday, or if you come to the Halloween party, next Wednesday, please come and sign this petition.
We count on you !
Thank you !


>> Read the letter that will be sent with your signatures (in French) [PDF]